

频道:创业之初 日期: 浏览:3313
跟着父母做什么赚钱呢英文可以翻译为“What can I do to make money with my parents?”。这个问题涉及到家庭共同创业或者通过父母的工作获得收入。以下是一些可能的答案:1. 你可以和父母一起创业,开设自己的小店。这可能需要一些商业知识和经验,但是通过父母的指导和支持,你可以学习如何管理店铺、如何与顾客沟通以及如何制定销售策略。,2. 你可以利用父母的人脉和资源,寻找一份与他们工作相关的兼职工作。这不仅可以增加你的收入,还可以帮助你了解不同行业的工作环境和文化。,3. 如果你对某个行业感兴趣,也可以尝试向父母请教,了解该行业的就业前景和趋势,以便做出更好的职业规划。无论你选择哪种方式,都需要和父母进行沟通,了解他们的想法和建议,以便更好地实现自己的赚钱计划。也要注意不要影响学业和身体健康,合理安排时间和精力。

As a young person, I always wanted to know what my parents do to make money. They seem to have a secret formula that they use to generate income, and I always wanted to learn that formula. Finally, I got the chance to ask them and they happily shared their knowledge with me. Here is what I learned from them about making money.

Firstly, my parents taught me the importance of hard work. They said that no matter what business you are in, you have to work hard to succeed. Whether it is in the corporate world or running your own business, success does not come easily. It requires long hours of work, dedication, and perseverance.


Secondly, my parents stressed the importance of being resourceful. They said that making money is not just about having a great idea or working hard; it is also about being resourceful. Resourcefulness means being able to use what you have to your advantage. It could be using your skills, talents, or connections to generate income.

Thirdly, my parents taught me about networking. They said that making money is not just about what you know; it is also about who you know. Building relationships with other people in your industry can help you get jobs, find opportunities, and even learn new skills that can help you make more money.


Fourthly, my parents emphasized the importance of education. They said that having a good education can help you get a good job and make more money. Education can also help you understand the world around you better, which can help you make better decisions in life and business.

Lastly, my parents taught me about being patient and understanding that making money does not happen overnight. They said that success takes time and requires consistent effort. You have to be willing to put in the work now to see results later on down the road.


In conclusion, I learned from my parents that making money is not just about having a great idea or working hard; it is also about being resourceful, networking, having a good education, and being patient. These are the secrets to success that my parents shared with me, and I believe that they can help anyone who wants to make more money in life.


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